Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner)

…particularly effective Information should be presented in small amounts so that responses can be reinforced (“shaping”) Reinforcements will generalize across similar stimuli (“stimulus generalization”) producing secondary conditioning References Markle, S….


Memory is one of the most important concepts in learning; if things are not remembered, no learning can take place. Futhermore, memory has served as a battleground for opposing theories…


…to civilian jobs (e.g., flying, troubleshooting, leadership, medical care, engineering, etc.). Theories of adult learning (e.g., Cross, Knowles, Rogers) that emphasize experiential learning, as well as theories of social learning

ACT-R (John Anderson)

…information; procedural knowledge is learned by making inferences from already existing factual knowledge. ACT-R supports three fundamental types of learning: generalization, in which productions become broader in their range of…


…introduces the idea of attention as a skill that can be improved (i.e., as a learning strategy). In his Conditions of Learning theory , Gagne suggests that gaining the attention…