Connectionism (Edward Thorndike)

…of Intelligence. New York: Teachers College Press. Thorndike, E. et al. (1928). Adult Learning. New York: Macmillan Related Websites For more about Thorndike and his work, see:  …

Cognitive/Learning Styles

…of Bernice McCarthy which suggests 4 learning modes (Analytic, Imaginative, Common Sense, and Dynamic) has been widely applied in education (see And the learning styles framework developed by Dunn…

Cognitive Load Theory (John Sweller)

…results of experimental research. Recognizing George Miller’s information processing research showing that short term memory is limited in the number of elements it can contain simultaneously, Sweller builds a theory…

Stimulus Sampling Theory (William Estes)

…Furthermore, SST did not really take into account cognitive strategies used by participants in these experiments (such as hypothesis testing or the “gamblers fallacy”) which could affect the results. Example…

GOMS Model (Card, Moran & Newell)

…Locate-Line [select: Use-QS-Method/Use-LF-Method] Goal: Modify-Text [select: Use-S-Command/Use-M-Command] Verify-Edit An example of a goal generated to correct a mistake is: Goal: Correct (BadCharacter) Look-At-Display Compare Type (Control-A) Type (CorrectCharacter) Principles To…

Cognitive Dissonance (Leon Festinger)

Compliance. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58, 203-210. [available at] Wickland, R. & Brehm, J. (1976). Perspectives on Cognitive Dissonance. NY: Halsted Press. Related Websites  …

Experiential Learning (Carl Rogers)

Freedom to Learn (3rd Ed). Columbus, OH: Merrill/Macmillan. Valett, R.E. (1977). Humanistic Education. St Louis, MO: Mosby. Related Websites For more about Rogers and his work, see:  …