
…curricula: Problem-based learning at Southern Illinois Medical School BioStats and Medical Informatics (Univ Wisconsin) NOTE: Thanks to Ken Williamson ( and Kathleen Hunter ( for help with this page.  …

Adult Learning (K. P. Cross)

…which may or may not be directly related to age. Situational characteristics consist of part-time versus full-time learning, and voluntary versus compulsory learning. The administration of learning (i.e., schedules, locations,…

Component Display Theory (David Merrill)

…is more effective to the extent that it contains all necessary primary and secondary forms. Thus, a complete lesson would consist of objective followed by some combination of rules, examples,…

Conversation Theory (Gordon Pask)

…manipulation of the subject matter facilitates understanding (e.g., use of teachback technique). Individual’s differ in their preferred manner of learning relationships (serialists versus holists). References Pask, G. (1975). Conversation, Cognition,…

Mental Models

…are best understood as assemblages of synchronic and diachronic rules organized into default hierarchies and clustered into categories. The rules comprising the model act in accord with the principle of…


…the development of cognition in children. For further discussion of Metacognition, see References Brown, A. (1978). Knowing when, where and how to remember: A problem of metacognition. In R….

Constructivist Theory (Jerome Bruner)

…MA: Harvard University Press. Bruner, J., Goodnow, J., & Austin, A. (1956). A Study of Thinking. New York: Wiley. Related Websites More about Bruner can be found at:  …

Algo-Heuristic Theory (L. Landa)

Landa’s theory is concerned with identifying mental processes — conscious and especially unconscious — that underlie expert learning, thinking and performance in any area. His methods represent a system of…

Andragogy (Malcolm Knowles)

…of previous experience with computers. Since adults are self-directed, instruction should allow learners to discover things for themselves, providing guidance and help when mistakes are made. (See computers for further…

Cognitive Flexibility Theory (Spiro, Feltovitch & Coulson)

…multidimensional traversal of complex subject matter. In D. Nix & R. Spiro (eds.), Cognition, Education, and Multimedia. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Related Websites: For more on this work, see:  …