/in•struc•tion•al de•sign/ (n):

The process by which instruction is improved through the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of learning experiences.


It’s time to learn.

Instructional design (or instructional systems design) combines the art of creating engaging learning experiences with the science of how the brain works. This site is designed to support students, teachers, instructional designers, learning engineers, and anyone interested in creating more effective learning experiences. Resources on this site were created by Greg Kearsley and Richard Culatta

Learning Concepts
Learning Theories
Instructional Design Jobs

Why Instructional Design Matters

Creating effective learning experiences is complicated. There are many widely implemented learning practices that are little more than myths. Not surprisingly most formal learning experiences are incredibly inefficient. Instructional design models provide frameworks to facilitate gaining new knowledge, skills or attitudes. Instructional designers use these models to guide the creation of engaging learning activities based on the science of how people learn.

Instructional Design Books

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